Feeling is Creation
April 17, 2020
Practice is the Key
May 20, 2020

I will share three main points here

The Magic word

Setting the tone for the day

Making our day a Magical Day

These thoughts are from the book, The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, from the chapter titled the same, Have a Magical Day


What is the Magic word? You have any magic words? Words that bring magic to you when you say them? The Magic word Rhonda Byrne refers to all through this book is, “Thank you!” Take yourself to the time when you were so thankful and said, “Thank you” either to the Universe, or to the opportunity, or to a person. How did you feel, when you said this Magic word, “Thank you?” Were you happy or sad? Was your energy positive and uplifting, or sulky?

Am sure your energy was positive, uplifting, spirited whenever you said the word, “Thank you!”. That is the reason why it is “A Magic Word”. When we say, “Thank you” with a grateful heart, we are putting both ourselves and the recipient in the best of best energies.

Coming to setting the tone of the day, do you see the impact of this? Have you ever experienced a day, when you started it in a great mood and you bumped into one good thing after another? How about the other side of this experience? You start off your day in an unpleasant way, and you bump into one after other unpleasant things, until you consciously stop this spiral down.

Now you know why and how setting a positive tone for the day is important. Many of us, evolving beings consciously choose to start our day with a smile, saying and feeling thank you, or do a positive affirmation like, “today is a good day”

Lastly, how could we make our day a Magical Day? By setting the tone of the day with Gratitude. Begin the day by saying the magic word, “Thank you” …for e.g. Thank you for the privilege to live another beautiful day. Then go over the list of the things you planned to do for the day. Precede each one with a thank you, and as if you made it in the best possible way. Let me give an example day

Thank you for the beautiful day

Thank you for the wonderful meditative practice

Thank you for the healthy-yummy breakfast

Thank you for the wonderful breakfast time with my family

Thank you for the fantastic work I performed with joy

Thank you, water, for rejuvenating me

Thank you for the beautiful walk in nice-warm sunshine

Thank you for the quality time I had with my son and mom

Thank you for the soulful writing I got to do

Thank you for the fabulous coaching conversation we had

Thank you for the amazing introspection experience I had

By doing this, you are setting the tone not only for the day, but putting each thing you wanted to do in its best spirits. That would facilitate each one being performed at its best, and living your day to the fullest way!!

Right before you slip into your sleep, say Thank you for the best thing that happened during the day. This is going to set the tone for having a good night sleep, and waking up in best spirits.

Let’s practice this and make each of our day, “A Magical Day!”






  1. Virginia Meadowcroft says:

    Thank you 😊 for sharing ❤️

  2. Ram says:

    There’s no better way to raise our vibration level of happiness than with gratitude. So whenever we start the day always Thanks for that we have. It is most powerful things that we can do. Thank you for sharing the wonderful secrets of life. Our life is full of magnificent things and the gratitude brings them all to us.

    Magic Dust to you all !!