Practice is the Key
May 20, 2020
Magical List
June 7, 2020

As I was walking in our community, I noticed a sign board in front of someone’s house, which said, “Honk! An Amazing Teacher lives here”

As soon as I read it, it felt so good, and my spirits were up. I was soaked with a gush of positive vibes. After coming home, I shared this with my eleven-year-old and told him that we should stop by and share our appreciation for Teachers one day when we see them.

Since that time, every day as I pass this house, a big smile emerges off my face. I felt I should knock the door and speak to them. But then, I said t myself, no, I can’t do it, especially at this time when we are maintaining social distance for the safety and well-being of everyone.

The next day I again I felt I should stop and convey. I thought, let me knock the door and walk back a safe distance, and I could talk from far. But then thought, no, I should stop with my son, a school going kid, and that would be nice.

Yesterday my son and I were riding bicycles. We noticed a car behind us. So, we both moved to one side and this car passed us from the other side. As we kept riding bicycle, this car stopped in the driveway. Guess what? Yes, this is in front of the same house with the sign board which radiates me so much joy.

I was right in front of this house. There was literally no hesitation.  I was driven to head their way. Seeing me, people inside the car noticed and I could see this leery wonderment, who is this lady? Why is she here?

By that time my son already passed few houses. I called him and sighed, let’s stop by here.

The couple came off the car. I could see a puzzled look on their faces. I smiled and said, I saw this sign board, pointing at the sign…I could see that this couple looked relaxed and happy now, as if they why I am there. I continued…I wanted to stop and convey our appreciation for Teachers. Especially having a 11-year-old school going kid, I deeply appreciate Teachers.

There faces beamed. They shared that it is their daughter, and they told which school she works at. Then they asked my son, which grade he is in, and which school he goes to.

Then I shared…this is the house we first saw in this community and we loved it. As we came for the second visit, we were told that this house is sold.

They started sharing how lucky they are to find their dream house. Man said, my wife looked for 2-3 years before she found this house, and we are really happy with the house.

All this might be a very small thing and may mean nothing for many. However, I get tickled by this kind of experiences, the uplifting energy I get filled, seeing the dots getting connected and being driven with such powerful energy.

This is the series I experienced here: seeing an appreciation sign board à feeling so good à sharing with my son; seeing the sign board and being filled with happy energy every day à wanting to stop and express appreciation; and dots connecting to make it happen; and my joy radiating to wider circle.

I feel all these are powers of selfless genuine appreciation — to own nothing, but to appreciate selflessly as is!

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