As the year 2016 is coming close to end, I began reflecting on this year. To begin with, I didn’t think there is much of anything significantly different or progress and accomplishments I made. But as I started listing, to my surprise, the list kept flowing, and so are my feel good feelings. The strength of my existing relationships grew, encountered and got connected to few inspiring people, formed some great new relationships, could take my son to one of our dream vacation, read some good books, learned to use some new tools and concepts.
Below I am listing some of the things I am Thankful for that happened during this year, 2016. Please excuse me for the repetitions I might make, but just cannot ignore them on my Thank You list. Also, I am not listing them in the order of importance. Each of them is equally important to me, and I am so very thankful to each of these, both the people and the opportunities I am blessed with.
1. My Wonderful Family of Parents, Siblings, Nieces and Nephews: With each passing day and year, it is amazing to see and experience all the love, care and blessings you shower me with, not only in actions, words, but so much more in thoughts. Even though we are thousands of miles away physically, we are constantly connected with the astounding energy connection, which has no barriers. Thank you, beyond what my words can ever express!
2. Thank you my adorable son, who is my sweet inspiration and greatest spiritual teacher. In raising you, I am learning so much of me, my triggers which push and have to learn to let go of any negative energies within me. I wouldn’t have ever realized them without you. With each sport you play, you make me take pride and almost give the experience of me playing by simply watching you!
3. Thank you to all my dear friends and classmates who had been such a strength and support to me, especially in the past six years.
4. Beginning July 1st, so far I walked 501 miles. Thank you to all my JNTU classmates for initiating the run-walk and tracking using Nike-Run app. Without you and the mutual support and encouragement we gave to each other, I wouldn’t have done it. I am physically more fit and agile and feeling so good. Effortlessly I could lose 8 lbs, and getting more close to my healthy weight!
5. I am honored to not only enjoy the presentation from Motivational Speaker and Writer, Akella Raghavendra Garu, but for staying closely connected since the time we met.
6. Thank you to my friend and coach Ravi Maturi for taking so much personal interest in coaching me on Branding, and being there through each step of this exciting journey.
7. I am so thankful for the opportunity to take Coursera MOOC on personal Branding and all that I learned from this course.
8. For able to participate in Naada Vinoda Singing Workshop and performing on stage. Thank you to these Passionate-Magnificent Music Teachers Mani Sastry Garu and Krishna Prasad Garu for teaching us and fulfill my heart’s desire to sing. Being in a group, I gained the additional advantage of being rubbed on the skill of all other performers. Thank you to each of you for presenting me with this opportunity and sharing your passion and skill and lifting mine.
9. Thank you My Son, Keshav for the zeal and singing skill you share with me constantly and practicing to sing together with me. The thrill and joy in learning together two songs: Padipoya- Padipoya and Telusa-Telusa is so much uplifting and enjoyable.
10. Taking my son to Disney World was not only fun, it soared my confidence so much. It was the first time ever in my life, I renting a car and driving with no other adult, and staying at a new place. Oh, you have to check out one of my Toastmasters speech I presented regards my Driving experiences :-). In short essence, Driving used to give me nightmares. So you can imagine my nervousness of renting a car for the first time, and driving at a new place. But at the end, I not only did it, I drove with so much ease and boosted my confidence — if I could take my son to Disney World, I can take him to anywhere else in the country by myself.
11. Meeting my nephew, Abhinav magically (unplanned) at Disney World Magical Kingdom was so very special and will remain as sweet-cherishing memory to both my son and me. He was visiting through his school from Muscat, Oman.
12. I am so very thankful to my colleague Judith and to her husband Mr.Sanders for being there for both me and my son during the times we need, during our special moments, and beyond. They to do whatever it takes to comfort and assure me with anything I need. Mr.Sanders always reserves as the most priority, the time to meet my son and attend all his school related activities as a Fatherly figure. What this couple is, and what they are for us is beyond what I can ever express. I feel so indebted to them and to their whole family.
13. I am super excited and thankful for connecting to Keidi Keating, the Author of the book, The Light. I am enjoying reading her book, the Light!
14. I am glad to be introduced to new tools like Canva, Carson Tate’s Tame Your Email Inbox, LastPass password manager and for learning to use them and improve my personal productivity efficiency, and connectivity. And Medium!, for blogging. It’s an awesome tool and I am so thrilled to see the ease of blogging and sharing the content. Thank you to all those who introduced me these. My colleague Joe spent considerable time to teach me how to begin using LastPass and also about setting up two layered authentication and using the Google Authenticator. I am loving the peace of using these tools now. Thank you Joe!
15. Thank you to all by blog readers and social media followers for following my posts, liking, sharing and for providing your feedback. It is invaluable to me in my growth journey.
16. I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to present the need for a women’s support group in an audience group of few hundreds.
I might have missed some more important ones and thanking each of you by name. Please excuse me for it, but please know that each of you had added so much to my life and to be able to become what I am today. I dearly love each of you and would like to convey my heart-felt gratitude for what you are, and what you are to me. Thank you, thank you!
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my gratitude. I am feeling so filled and full of good feelings. Please take a moment to reflect on what you are thankful for this year. I am sure you will be filled too with the bountiful positive energy once you do it, just as how I am filled with.